Sometimes it is known from the moment a child is born that there is a developmental delay or disability. Babies with significant prematurity, low birth weight, diagnosed illnesses are just some of the reasons for developmental delay. However, majority of time, a child might be delayed in meeting their developmental milestones. A developmental pediatrician’s evaluation can be the first root to early intervention. A multidisciplinary approach by clinicians that have experience to work with babies and toddlers provide early intervention services.

Our team of therapists provide early intervention services and evaluation in the following areas:

  • Cognitive development
  • Social /emotional development
  • Adaptive development
  • Communication development
  • Motor development

Services include :

  • Family training
  • Home visit
  • Counseling
  • Feeding therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Psychological services

Early intervention services are basic and brand new skills that babies develop during the first years of life such as;

  • Physical (reaching, rolling, walking)
  • Cognitive (thinking,learning, problem solving)
  • Communication(attending,understanding,talking)
  • Social emotional (interaction skills, play skills)
  • Self help (drinking, eating, dressing)

Some specific approaches that we use for early intervention are ;

  • DIR Floortime
  • Hanen


Child development research has established that the rate of human learning and development is most rapid in the early years. If there is a delay in the development, intervening early will provide maximum benefits. Many studies and literature reviews report that the earlier the intervention, the more effective it is.

Early intervention is one of the areas that we have experience and trainings in different subjects .